Sonic Dragolgo „Don’t Stop The Music“

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Sonic Dragolgo „Don’t Stop The Music“

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„Fucking Japanese. Makes Mike Dred and his Kosmik Kommando look like a senior raver at the afterhour. Is this Gabba-Pop now? “Don’t Stop The Music” is pretty much the most blatant opposite to the Current Value – album released simultaneously on Klangkrieg. The information from ten years of electro-trash history overlaps into a single white noise. The significance of the set pieces disappears behind the sharp contrail of accelerated pop quotes. A brilliant camouflage tactic. Kozaburo Narita screams the soulful nu-romantic anthems over hyperventilating drum machine ensembles, rocks the block beats, burns his guitar and rides his hard drive at an (almost) constant 240BPM. If you remember roughly what countrymen Boredoms did to rock’n’roll, you can roughly imagine Narita’s relationship to techno: 1.) Have no inhibitions (rave signals), 2.) Be ashamed of absolutely nothing (the sunglasses), 3.) You will grow from your contradictions. The caustic feedbacks of the little electro-punk only reinforce the declarations of love in his sincere teenage ballgirls. Sick, somehow, all the same. Or how else would you describe a mix of DMX Krew and Merzbow.“